Maps, maps and internet mapping
The last step in all of this is to distribute the information as widely and easily as possible. The internet is the vehicle of choice. The on-line tools link will launch the web mapping application. This application was originally created by the City of Yakima back in 1997 and hosted by Yakima County since that time. Yakima County GIS updated and added new functionality to the application.
The application is written in Visual Basic using ESRI's MapObjects technology. Thousands of lines of computer code are working behind the scenes to deliver maps to your home or office. The old web mapping application received over 500,000 map views each month. With the addition of the ortho-photos we expect to exceed that.
Our senior programmer/analyst puts the finishing touches on the computer code and gets it ready for testing.
Our goal is to create new and better on-line tools to deliver more land information to your desktop. We want to be the land information portal, the place to come to find information about land in Yakima County. Stay tuned for new tools.