
Brought to you by the Yakima County Assessor and Yakima County Geographic Information Services


Welcome to Yakimap.com, a web site brought to you by the Yakima County Assessor and Yakima County Geographic Information Services (GIS). From this site you can access land information for Yakima County, Washington. There are on-line mapping tools as well as a display of our map products.

Its our intent to provide you with one place where you can access land information. You will find this site helpful whether you are a real estate professional, a home buyer/seller, a business associated with building or developing property or simply want information about land in Yakima County.

This site offers enhanced maps with aerial photos of most property in the county in a fast, easy to use web mapping format. We have tested the site using the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox and Mozilla. The property data and parcel maps come from the County Assessor's office and are updated nightly. The other map layers (zoning, floodplains, etc...) are updated as they change.

For questions about map products or the web mapping please contact (GIS).

Please read this message from the Yakima County Assessor.

While the parcel information is intended to be accurate, any manifest errors are unintentional and subject to correction. Please let us know about any parcel errors you discover and we will correct them (Assessor).

Yakima County's acceptance of advertising is not a recommendation, endorsement or guarantee of any product or service advertised on the site or for the company that manufactures, distributes or promotes a product or service. Yakima County is not responsible for the content or accuracy of third party advertisements. In addition, Yakima County does not endorse or guarantee any content, material, products or services contained on, or accessible through, links to other Internet sites from the Yakima County web mapping site.

Copyright Yakima County 2005

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